Sorry for the absence, I was camping in Wales last week, had such a lovely time with the girls, my Stepmum, sister, some other mums and daughters. The weather was perfect for camping - dry and not too hot! Since then I haven't felt like doing much, but I did allow myself some time on Saturday to do a few LOs.
Firstly, my Work LO from the My Freedom Class. The journalling is written like a script, with the characters beings Me, Them and Him. Took me a while to get into it, but then I quite enjoyed writing in that style.

The next two LOs are for my sister's album using some of my Scarlet Lime kits up. The first picture is from her 9th Birthday Party, and the second is with my Stepmum and I'm leaving her to do the journalling. The colours are more muted in real life.

Going back to My Freedom, I haven't really been keeping up with the blogging prompts, but this week's are as follows:
Monday -
Tell your blog readers about someone who has been a creative influence in your life -- a crafty mum, aunt or grandparent, an influential school teacher or a friend who brought out your creative side, perhaps. Without a doubt that would be my mum - she had the skills to be a dressmaker, but sadly didn't fulfil her dream with that. She was always sewing clothes for us, knitting, crocheting, was a great cook. She taught me how to use a sewing machine (with a few teenage arguments about it along the way), and I'm sure if she was still alive she would share my passion for scrapbooking.
Tuesday -
What's your favourite reading material? Like the kind of favourite that you would take to read if you had to be cut off from the rest of the world for years and years? Would have to be the Classics - Jane Austen, in particular, I can read and reread those sort of books over and over.
Today -
Who was your personal favourite teeny-bopper pin-up? Share a story about that dreamboat or another happy teenage memory with your readers. My first I suppose was John Taylor from Duran Duran. From there I moved onto Michael Praed, who played Robin Hood in TV in the Eighties. Hmm, I must have liked men with long hair - I don't now! I can't say that I really used to swoon over them, I think I had a couple of posters up, but that was about it!