Friday 20 February 2009

This week I have ...

... taking photos of the things the girls and I love for A Snaphot of My Life.

... answering this week's 52Q question - "What would I do if I knew I could not fail?"

... buying fabric from Etsy to make summer dresses for the girls

... made this LO based on the PencilLines sketch

... finished DD1's birthday minibook. Here's a few of the pages

... made a LO for my 'Everyone has a story' album


Steph said...

Brilliant! Can you make me some dress for the summer!

Mini book looks great

Claire said...

Wow, you've been busy! All looks great, especially the mini-book :)

And well done for keeping up with the Everyone Has a Story, yet to do my kitchen page!

Nicola said...

The fabric looks beautiful. I haven't sewn in ages.