Tuesday 15 January 2008

Day 25 - 31 Xmas Journal

Reading some of the posts on UK Scrappers made me realise that I should stop procrastinating and get on with some more pages in my Xmas Journal. So with the help of some prepared pages and my jouraling notes I've managed to do 6 LOs today!

Day 25 - Xmas Day

Day 26 - Boxing Day

Day 27 - Sleeping In

Day 28 - Xmas Weaknesses

Day 30 - A Year in Review

Inside (Idea from Kimmy2a on flickr)


Day 31 - New Year's Eve

There's no Day 29, as that is to do a title page for the journal.


Shirley said...

Nearly there ... lovely pages :)

Steph said...

Great pages - love how they are all so different