Sunday 24 February 2008

Another UKS Challenge

This weeks challenge on UKS is

Song title from sound track of Saturday Night Fever or Grease as LO title - 10pts
Two photos - 10pts
Something shiney - 5pts
To use white on LO - 5pts

I wanted to do a LO about my poor gorgeous cat Fitz-Henry aka Fitz. We noticed a couple of weeks ago that one of his front legs had gone limp. The vet said that he had lost all his nerves and muscles in that leg (accident unknown) and the long term prognosis was amputation. He's been given steroids and I feel like they have made a difference and he's now putting weight back on his foot, so we'll have to wait and see.

Journaling reads: I don't know how you've done it, but you've hurt your leg and have a bad limp. The vet isn't hopeful, but every day I am nursing you to get better.

1 comment:

voodoo vixen said...

Lovely page and your cat looks so much like my old Cuddles! I know what it is like to worry about them when they are ill, hope his leg continues to improve. :)